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Phil Thompson assesses Jordan Henderson's time as Liverpool captain

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Phil Thompson assesses Jordan Henderson's time as Liverpool captain

Phil Thompson believes that Jordan Henderson has made a huge impact as Liverpool captain, with the Reds on the verge of securing today's soccer tips title.

Henderson was appointed the successor lớn Steven Gerrard in June 2015 and has been part of a side revolutionised under Jurgen Klopp - resulting in Champions League success last season.

Here, Liverpool legend Thompson discusses Henderson's spell with the armband, alongside the furlough decision made by the club which has since been reversed.

What were your thoughts on the Premier League players donating wages lớn NHS Charities?

I thought it was a fantastic gesture, a needed-to-be-done gesture. After being put in awkward positions by the people in government, and although they are earning a lot of money, when they become more experienced like the captains, these players become more responsible. I do not think they needed telling too much, but it was a case of when lớn do it. I do think the PFA could have handled it a lot better on their side.

The players were doing what they thought was best, but you need guidance from the PFA, who seemed lớn be dragging their heels. I was very pleased and you have seen some good, responsible people come out of these football clubs, none more so than Jordan Henderson, who him along with others, seemed lớn be at the forefront of the #PlayersTogether group.

His standing within the game has risen enormously because of this. It was a very difficult time lớn take over the captaincy of a club like Liverpool after Steven Gerard. He had lớn work hard, play jackpot soccer tip, but showed great responsibility with what comes as being a captain of our club. It was great to see he was ahead of the game in doing this. He showed fantastic responsibility, not just for football people but to other business people too. These young men do have a social conscience.

Is Jordan Henderson now showing his leadership qualities throughout the league?

On a footballing side, even pre-Christmas, one guy who was at the forefront of the PFA, and the Football Writers, should have been Jordan Henderson. I am not denying Kevin de Bruyne any credit, as he is a tremendous footballer, but there was something about Henderson over the last 18 months which has elevated him to leader and captain status, along with a responsibility status too.

He has edged out in front with his performances on the pitch and his performances off the pitch too. Not that Jordan will have thought anything about it, but when they sit down and decide who is the best when they hand out the rewards, I do think he will come through with it.

We have seen it before. I don’t think it should influence the decision-makers, but it will certainly give them something lớn think about. What has just happened, combined with his on-field performances, should place him as the leading candidate

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